I've been so busy lately, I got a job out of my home, so when I get home I try to manage to do house stuff, create more patterns for my shop, write new contents for my blog and the most important spend good time with my little girl and my family.... not easy at all!
So when I received this message from Mrs Sassy Crafter saying I got an award it was great, to know that even when my blog is not updated everyday with great project she thinks about my blog for an award. Thank you! It makes me want to sleep less and craft more! :)
So it look like the rules are:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
2. Tell 7 things about yourself
3. Award 15 recently discovered new bloggers
4. Contact them and let them know they've received the award
SEVEN things about myself:
1. I used to be an staying at home mom since my little girl was born, now I'm back at work since 2 months ago... I like having my own individual life back, but I had a really hard time getting used to leave my 2 years old in the school for so long. Now it is still hard sometimes, although I know she enjoys school playing with other kids. But after all if I could choose I'd stay at home with her and crafting all my spare time.
2. I was born in Uruguay, and 2 months after I got married I went to live in Malaysia, it was a terrible cultural shock, and I know I complained more that usual (poor hubby) but when I got used to all the cultural differences I loved there. I'd love to go back some day.
3. I LOVE eating pizza!! Pizza is never too much for me.
4. I'm scared of spiders.
5. I don't like exercising, and I like sports even less. But.... I'm about to start gym again in the next few days... it's necessary but I's going to be pain.
6. I hate cigarette smoke, I feel I could kill the person that si smoking next to me or my daughter... I know is a bit too much but what can I do, I feel is not fair have to breath that smoke...
7. I love reading, once I start reading a book I can't stop, and I get so into the stories that after I finish the book I use to miss the characters... I definitely prefer reading and watching movies.
The 15 blog awards go to:
Lil Blue Boo
A girl and a glue gun
Little Miss Momma
The Sewing Dork
Creative Attempts
A Crafty Escape
Crafting and Creativity
Always Expect Moore
Green Submarine Diy Design
The Sassy Crafter
Yards and Yards
Bouffe e Bambini
Craft Envy
Little Big Girl Studio
Pink Penguin
A girl and a glue gun
Little Miss Momma
The Sewing Dork
Creative Attempts
A Crafty Escape
Crafting and Creativity
Always Expect Moore
Green Submarine Diy Design
The Sassy Crafter
Yards and Yards
Bouffe e Bambini
Craft Envy
Little Big Girl Studio
Pink Penguin

7 comentarios:
Congrats to you and thanks for including my blog :)
YAY, thank you sooo much for thinking of LMM for this award--you are too sweet! I too am scared of spiders and HATE cigarette smoke--ick! And congrats on your award too--thats awesome!!!
Thank you Cecilia - this is a nice way to connect with people.
wow! thanks so much! that is so sweet to think of me!!!!
Thank you for including me as one of your nominees! I may not be able to pass this on just because it would be too hard for me to pick bloggers that deserve this award - there are too many! Thank you though!!
Thanks so much Cecilia! and you are very welcome, I love your blog and your store too!!!! =D
Awww thanks! You are too sweet!
P.D. Mi hija tambien se llama Sofia :)
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