27 nov 2010

Buy 2 get 1 for FREE!

I'm having a new Sale in my Etsy shop just for a few days until the end of November!

This is a great deal for a limited time! This Buy 2 free 1 SALE will last until November 30!

So here are the conditions:

- Purchase 2 patterns and choose one more for free!

- The price of the pattern you choose for free has to be equal or lower than the price of the cheapest pattern you buy.

- This offer gives you for free the 50% of your purchase, so if you buy 1 pattern you won't apply for this sale, if 3 pattern you just will have 1 free patterns (not 2 patterns) and so on.

IMPORTANT! Do not select the free pattern for purchase, or it will be charged to your bill. Just leave me a message in your Etsy transaction saying which pattern you would like for free.

This applies to more than one pattern! You don't need to make separate purchases if you want more than one pattern.. so...

Buy 2 patterns and get 1 for free!
Buy 4 patterns and get 2 for free!
..and so on...

1 comentario:

Kimberly Walker dijo...

I wanted to say thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting... I am now following and I look forward to reading more of your stuff.
All the best,

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