22 abr 2011

Fabric Flowers

Lately when I want to create something but I don't have enough time to work on a big project I just cut some circles out of fabric, melt the edges and make FLOWERS... I have dozens of them sitting in a box waiting to became a hairband, necklace, decorate a purse, etc...

When I have a little more time I like playing with my camera taking pictures of my new models :)  here are some of them...

Happy weekend everyone!

5 comentarios:

Maria dijo...

esas flores son preciosas!

amber @ barbwired dijo...

These look so very beautiful!

**Dama Nilo** dijo...

Te han quedado muy delicadas y HERMOSAS!!! TE FELICITO!!!


**Dama Nilo**

Maria dijo...

Cecilia, tienes un award en mi blog. Pasa a "recogerlo" por favor.

Kelli W dijo...

Those are so fun! I love the pink one with the black center!

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