20 nov 2010

Felted Owl

I've been a little short of time lately, so no new projects, no crafts, no blogging. So I'm posting some old (not too old, just a couple of months) stuff I've made, just to share some ideas with all of you...

I've made this little owl out of felt a while ago and never posted about it. I took the idea from some blog (which I don't remember the name).

2 comentarios:

Regina dijo...

Owwwww I love this lil owl. I'm a felter..dry needle mostly among other things....LOL I am a very quirky artist with a very whimsical style. Thank you for the inspiration with this lil owl. I'm planning on making two of my nieces little shoulder pouches for Christmas and this owl would look so cute on one of them.


Jenn@Sweet T Makes Three dijo...

Adorable! I'm loving owls right now.
New follower from Ace and Friends' blog hop

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